Nov 21, 2011

The Perfect Men's Hoodie Pattern!

 I'm not sure I'd let my husband leave the house in shorts that cut so close to his, er, upper thigh. But that hooded sweatshirt on the chiseled hunk to the left there is the perfect pattern for the sweater I'm planning for Ryan for Christmas (he's knows about it now because there are no sewing secrets when your studio is located in a popular thoroughfare of your apartment). Thanks to travelling_soo for pointing out this pattern to me after my previous post about the dearth of good men's sewing patterns. I found it on through seller Paula's Sew Nice. She's got loads of vintage patterns in the $5 range. It has yet to arrive, but I found some lovely gray wool knit fabric this weekend, so I am itching to get started (yes, pun intended).

I tried and failed to find something that would work at one of the divier fabric shops I frequent in NYC's Garment District. But after scuttling back and forth along 39th street and down to 37th, and finding only cheap, thin and (ugh!) ribbed knits, I was worried I wouldn't find anything that approximated this knit hoodie he loved and lost long ago:

I finally succumbed to shopping at Mood, knowing that I'd find something in the store's exhaustive selection. Of course, you pay for it: $20/yard for this gray wool knit (a faint stripe, but no ribbing, praise be):
And what's that to the left there? Why it's more of the super-soft coral striped jersey I bought at Chic Fabrics on 39th Street during the summer ($5/yard). I used it to make this adorable dress here:

They still had some at Chic, so I bought a few yards to make some underpants from Emilykate's pattern I amended, plus I picked up some underwear elastic at Daytona Trimmings on 39th Street. I bought more than I need of everything, so stay tuned for a giveaway this week! That's all for now!


  1. Yay! Glad you were able to find a pattern that's so similar to what you were looking for! Love the coral dress!

  2. Thanks for the spit-out Suzanne and I hope it all works out! I gave you a mention in my blog in case you wanted to take a look:

  3. It looks really beautiful,.



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